Facilities Implementation & Strategic Planning Minutes

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, July 11, 2018

FISP Committee                                                    
Meeting Date and Time:  July 11, 2018 – 7:00 p.m.
Meeting Location:  Town Offices, 140 Worcester Street, Room 210

Members Present:  John Hadley - Chair, Chris Rucho - Vice Chair, Phil Mallet, Clerk, Ray Bricault and Pat Crowley. 

Members Not Present: Kate Ivers; Barur Rajeshkumar, Siobhan Bohnson

Also Present:  Tony DiLuzio – OPM, John MacMillan – Architect, William Murray – Sr. Center Site Engineer, Lisa Viklund – COA Director, Patrick Inderwish - Chair of the Parks Facilities Committee, Kristen Payson – Item Reporter    

Call to Order: Mr. Hadley called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 

1. Moment of Silence:  John Hadley asked for a moment of silence to acknowledge the recent death of
FISP member Robert Chisholm. 

2. Minutes: Ray Bricault moved and Chris Rucho seconded to approve the minutes of June 12, 2018.  
Vote: All yes.  Motion passed. 

3. Senior Center:   
a. OPM Report:    Tony DiLuzio stated the foundation slab and walls are in place, and backfilled. Sheathing is started and will take a few weeks. Doors and windows have been delivered to the site.  Trusses should arrive next week. The project is still approximately 3 weeks behind schedule due to the site work issues.  The suspicious soils were tested and were below reportable limits for petroleum, but positive for arsenic – showing at a level equal to natural levels in ground in this areas. DEP stated the soils can be used on site.  He discussed Change Order # 1 which contains numerous tasks and expenses totaling $130,634.00.   He reviewed each item within the change order with the committee. These include grease trap vents, a programmable key pad entry at main door, a dumpster containment gate requested by the Planning Board, handling unsuitable soils and the related expense of bringing crushed stone and suitable soils in, and relocation of the gas line, hammering of rock and concrete (that remained in ground from the old building), additional site test holes, etc.  
Pat Crowley asked why the grease trap and other items were not in the original scope of work.  Chris Rucho also asked about the architect’s insurance covering the cost of this omission in the design. John MacMillan stated the engineer missed these when developing the plans, but the cost would be borne by the project either way, so it is technically not an added cost to the project.  Tony DiLuzio confirmed that this was not of such a level that would justify application to the architect’s insurance coverage. Ray Bricault asked about the dumpster gate. Is this required by the bylaw?  John MacMillan stated no but the Planning Board required it as a condition of approval of the site plan.  It was discussed that the architect and OPM be instructed to request that the Planning Board eliminate this dumpster gate requirement, and to hold off with its purchase until such discussion and decision can be made. The exact value of the gate is unknown so it would be hard to reduce the value of the proposed change order at this time.  Pat Crowley moved and Ray Bricault seconded to approve CO#1 with the condition that the architect and OPM be instructed to request that the Planning Board eliminate this dumpster gate requirement, and to hold off with its purchase until such discussion and decision can be made. Vote: all yes. Motion passed. 
There was discussion about how much of the value of the change order was associated with the contractor hired to demolish the Mixter Building not following the contract and leaving demo debris on site.   Tony DiLuzio explained that they are still working on quantifying the costs and he should have the values soon.   It was asked if the Town Administrator had notified the demolition contractor that the Town is anticipating requesting to be compensated for the value of this extra work being done now by RAC Builders that he was paid to do during the demolition.  No one knew that answer. 
The project budget was approved.  Tony DiLuzio stated the sheet presented included the value of the CO#1 just voted.  As such, the contingency line is now reduced to $191,700. 
b. Architect Report:  John MacMillan presented the proposed building plaque. Lisa Viklund stated she preferred to have her name removed and instead include the names of the COA Board members. It was also asked if outgoing FISP member Kate Ivers’ name should be included.   John MacMillan stated usually the plaques include the names of all members who were on the committee at any stage of the project. It was agreed to table this discussion until the next meeting. 
The architect explained that at tonight’s Planning Board meeting they are reviewing the request for the new gas lines and trenches in the softball field area. 
Interior color schemes were reviewed.  All materials presented are within the project budget limits. 
MacMillan presented a plan of the new orientation of the billiards table as requested by COA Director Lisa Viklund.  MacMillan stated to do this requires no additional costs. 
Exterior cameras were discussed as being a helpful security feature. The cost if not yet known.  This will be discussed at the next meeting 

c.    Ray Bricault presented pictures of the stained glass windows being offered to the Town at no cost by the Masons. These windows are confirmed to have come from the Old Stone Church.  There was no clear consensus by the members present as to whether these should be considered to be accepted and restored to be hung as decorative features in the Sr. center.  Lisa Viklund stated there was mild interest expressed on these windows by her COA Board. Chris Rucho stated that such a decision should be made by the Selectmen. Ray Bricault stated he recommends the Town accept them and store them until such time that a location for use can be decided and funds for the restoration appropriated. 

4. Police Station:   
a. Closeout items:  MacMillan stated the HVAC issues are almost entirely resolved. There is one computerized adjustment that still needs to be made. This is all being done at no cost to the town.  The new issue with attic heat detectors is being resolved.  The wrong type of units were used, and are being replaced. 
The berm still needs to be repaired. RAC Builders says the damage was not caused by them. Tony DiLuzio said it appears the damage was caused by the (town) plows this past winter. The elevator company has not responded to Tony DiLuzio email. 

5. Invoices:  
a. CBA - Inv. 5807 $9,817.50. Chris Rucho moved and Ray Bricault seconded to recommend payment. Vote:  All yes. Motion approved.  b. RAC Builders – Inv. 3 at $314,051 which represents a 17% completion of the project. Pat Crowley moved and Chris Rucho seconded to recommend payment. Vote: All yes. Motion passed.   c. Colliers International -   No copy of the bill was available so this item was tabled until the next meeting.   d. Yankee Engineering and Testing Inc. –at $2,199.00.  Ray Bricault moved and Pat Crowley seconded to recommend payment. Vote: All yes. Motion passed. 
e. Alliance Environmental – Inv. 59261077 for $6,351.97.  Chris Rucho moved and Phil Mallet  seconded to recommend payment.  Vote: All yes. Motion passed. 
f. KP Law - $425.50 for work done to review the demo contractor related documents.  It was agreed to defer this to the next meeting to get more details on the work done.  
6. Other:  Pat Inderwish, Chair of the Parks Facilities Committee was present to ask if his committee and the Parks Commission could gain the approval of FISP to contact the architect to get an estimate for site work at the Mixter site for the softball filed. Tony DiLuzio stated that the Site Engineer, Places Associates, was well experienced on this type of project engineering and design.  It was agreed that CBA could be contacted as requested. Pat Inderwish asked if any remaining project balance for the senior center could be used for the field improvement. Pat Crowley answered it could not because that was not the voted purpose of the borrowed funds. 

7.  Next Meeting:  August 8, 2018 at 7:00pm 

8.  Motion to Adjourn:  Chris Rucho moved and Pat Crowley seconded to adjourn the meeting. Vote:  All yes.  Meeting adjourned at 8:20PM.
  Respectfully submitted: John Hadley, Chair
  Minutes approved on:  August 8, 2018