Commission on Disability

The purpose of the West Boylston Commission on Disability is to cause the full integration and participation of people with disabilities in all aspects of life in the Town of West Boylston. 

The Commission has the following powers and duties:

1) Research local problems of people with disabilities. 

2) Advise and assist Town officials and employees in ensuring compliance with state and federal laws and regulations that affect people with disabilities. 

3) Work in cooperation with the departments and agencies of the Town to coordinate or carry out programs designed to meet the problems of people with disabilities in coordination with programs of the Massachusetts Office on Disability.

4) Review and make recommendations about policies, procedures, services, activities, and facilities of departments, boards, and agencies of the Town as they affect people with disabilities. 

5) Provide information, referral, guidance and advice to individuals, businesses, organizations, and public agencies of the Town in all matters pertaining to disability. 

6) Coordinate the activities of other local groups organized for similar purposes. 

7) Encourage public awareness of disability issues. 

8) Recruit and recommend prospective Commission members to the Town Administrator. At least one month prior to making recommendations, the Commission shall solicit nominations and endeavor to ensure that said nominations reflect different disabilities. 

9) File an annual report, which shall be printed in the Town Report. 

10) Receive gifts of property, both real and personal in the name of the Town subject to the approval of the Select Board; such gifts to be managed and controlled by the Commission.

The Commission shall consist of no less than five (5) and no more than seven (7) members appointed by the Selectboard. The majority of members shall consist of people with disabilities. One (1) of the members shall be a member of the immediate family of a person with a disability. One (1) member shall be either an elected or appointed official of the Town.

Commission Members

Name Term
Vacancy One


Marcia Cairns


Mary Beth O'Day


Ronald H. Menard


Vacancy Two


Lisa Thompson
