Facilities Implementation & Strategic Planning Minutes

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, January 24, 2018

FISP Committee                                                    
Meeting Date and Time: January 24, 2018 - 7:00 p.m.
Meeting Location:  Town Offices, 140 Worcester Street, Room 210

Members Present:  John Hadley, Chair, Chris Rucho, Vice Chair, Pat Crowley, Bob Chisholm, Ray Bricault, Phil Mallet, Clerk, and Kate Ivers.

Members Not Present:  Siobhan Bohnson, Barur Rajeshkumar

Also Present: Anita Scheipers - Town Administrator, Tony DiLuzio – Cardinal Construction, Brent Arthaud - Cardinal Construction, John MacMillan - CBA, Lisa Viklund - COA Director, and David Femia – citizen.  

Call to Order: Mr. Hadley called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. 

1. Minutes:  Chris Rucho moved and Phil mallet seconded to approve the minutes of Jan. 9, 2018 as
presented. Vote: All yes. Motion passed.  

2. Police Station Close-out: John MacMillan stated the team is still waiting for close-out of the HVAC work. 
There are still some items that need to be repaired to allow the system to work as specified. The committee
reviewed a proposal from Valley Communications for additional audio/visual components to allow full
integration of the presentation equipment in the community /meeting room.    The committee asked that
the item be deferred until the next meeting to have the police chief present to explain what was requested.
The DPW is getting prices for the fence that is required to be installed to be in compliance with the planning
board site plan approvals.   The committee asked Brent Arthaud to bring an updated project budget to the
next meeting. 

3. Senior Center:
a) Architect Report:  John MacMillan stated that the project went out to bid last week and the GC bids are due Feb 14th. To date, 100 separate firms have requested bid documents. The committee asked
that a press release be sent to the T&G to let area contractors know of the project bid deadlines.  He
also stated the existing fire hydrant must either be looped into the system or cut and capped and
removed.  The committee agreed that cutting and capping the hydrant was the best approach if
feasible.  MacMillan asked if the committee wished to remove the lightening protection system from
the building plans at an estimated $20,000 to $30,000 savings.  After much discussion, the committee
agreed to leave the system in the plans. The water department has determined a water pump is 
required for the site to boost the water pressure needed for the fire suppression system.  This cost of
approximately $100,000 is built into the plans and estimate. 
b) Add Alternates:    Three potential add alternates were discussed as being part of the bid packet: i)
Repaving the front parking areas and driveway at approximately $100,000.  2) Incorporate some
interior finishes upgrades to include stone veneer around the fireplace and tile in the bathroom areas.
ii) Install actual wood veneer wainscot paneling in public areas.   
c) OPM Report:  Brent Arthaud stated that Project Dog has had some issues with the bid forms properly
loading on their system. They are working to resolve that ASAP.  The pre-bid site walk is scheduled for
Jan 31st at 1pm.  The Planning Board stated they want monthly updates on site work, which Brent
said he will continue to do.   Brent further stated that it appears the fire pumps cannot be removed
as had been discussed. 
d) OPM Contract Status: Anita Scheipers stated that since the OPM Tony DiLuzio has resigned from
Cardinal, and Cardinal has identified Brent Arthaud as the new OPM for the project, the Town must
determine if this change is acceptable.  If it is not acceptable, the Town has the ability to terminate
the contract with Cardinal and go out with a new request for Qualifications to seek new OPM services
from another firm. Anita reviewed the feedback received form two of the three references provided by
Mr. Arthaud.   Both references gave very positive reviews of his work, but both were from the
private market.  Brent stated he had very recently done work for Northbridge and the Town could
contact their town administrator for a reference.  Bob Chisholm stated he was bothered by Brent
having stated he was a man of few words.  Brent stated he may not be as outgoing as Tony DiLuzio,
but he brings great experience to the table.  He was asked what the staffing level is at Cardinal. 
Brent stated he is currently attempting to hire another OPM, and he has two superintendents, 1 field
inspector, 1 carpenter, 1 part-time project manager, 1 laborer and 1 full time manager.  Ray Bricault
stated he had asked that municipal references be given if at all possible, and Brent did not appear to 
have municipal experience. Brent answered that he had completed municipal projects earlier in his
career but more recently had focused on the more complex non-municipal projects. He stressed he has
many years of experience as a builder and knows where problems can occur and how to avoid them.
Chris Rucho stated the Town contracted with Cardinal for the senior center project because of Tony
DiLuzio. Chris Rucho moved and Bob Chisholm seconded to go out with a new RFP for OPM services for 
the construction phase of the project. Vote: All yes. Motion passed. Brent expressed his strong
disappointment in this vote saying he has never lost a contract before.  John Hadley suggested using
the fee previously proposed for the construction phase in the advertisement to avoid fee proposals in
line with expectations. 
e) Planning for Town Meeting:   The following schedule for the information sessions was agreed to as follows:
I. Sat Feb 17th at Town Hall at 10am
II. Tues Feb 20th at Senior Center at 3pm
III. Wed Feb 21st at Town Hall at 6pm
IV. Thurs Feb 22nd at Orchard Knoll at 3pm
V. Thurs Feb 22nd  at the Library at 6pm
VI. Fri Feb 23 at Hillside at 3pm
VII. Sat Feb 24th at the Police Station at 10am

Lisa Viklund will send out her draft PowerPoint for all to review and provide suggested edits. Ray Bricault asked if there was an expectation to get votes of endorsements for the project from Committees.  He stated he was not sure FinCom would vote to endorse the project.  It was agreed that a vote from FinCom was not necessary, but that the Selectmen, COA Board and the Friends of the COA would be asked to take such votes.    Ray Bricault stated that the Finance Committee would expect some statement about the status of fund raising efforts that are being done or planned to be done.  He stated voters were told that a serious fund raising effort would be established after the last vote.  Phil Mallet stated that the effort lacked a heavyweight figure who could spearhead that initiate.  It was agreed some mention of potential grants and fund raising should be discussed in the information PowerPoint slides. 
4. Invoices: 
a) CBA senior center Invoice # 5686 for $7,140.00 and Invoice # 5695 for $1,082.38:  Chris Rucho moved and Bob Chisholm seconded to recommend approval. Vote – all yes. Motion passed. 

b) WB Mason invoice # i51066840 for $2,190: Chris Rucho moved and Bob Chisholm seconded to recommend approval. Vote – all yes. Motion passed. 

c) T&G bill for $336.00 for legal ad: Bob Chisholm moved and Ray Bricault seconded to approve. Vote: All yes. Motion passed.  d) Planning Board Site Plan Review Filing Fee of $450.00:  Bon Chisholm moved and Chris Rucho seconded to approve.  Vote: all yes. Motion passed. 
5.  Next Meeting:  The next meeting is set for Tuesday, February 6th at 7:00pm to prepare the PowerPoint
for the information sessions. 

Motion to Adjourn:  Chris Rucho moved and Ray Bricault seconded to adjourn.  Vote:  All yes. Motion
Passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:30pm. 
Respectfully submitted: Anita M. Scheipers, Town Administrator
Minutes approved on:  April 11, 2018