Wachusett Watershed Regional Recycling Center

Updated Hours for Wachusett Watershed Regional Recycling Center

The hours at the Recycling Center were changed after the town mailed out our 2020-2021 Trash/Recycling Calendar.  

CURRENT Hours: Tuesdays: 9am to noon, Thursdays: 3pm to 6pm, and First and Third Saturdays: 9am to noon

The Center may increase or decrease days and times without prior notice.  If they do not have enough volunteers for a shift, or the weather makes it unsafe to be working outside, they will not be able to open as planned. Please check their website, Facebook or call to see if they are open.

In November, they are planning changes for winter hours: Tuesdays 10am to noon and Thursdays 2 to 4pm.  First and Third Saturday 9am to noon.



Phone: 978.464.2854