Textile Drive

January 8th through January 13th
Flyer describing the clothing drive

New Years is a perfect time to clean out your closet!  You know those jeans that do not fit anymore, the shirt that is no longer in fashion, the gift from Aunt Jane that is not your style- we want them!

The Solid Wast Advisory Team (SWAT) is holding a textile and clothing drive from January 8th to January 13th at the West Boylston Town Hall.  Collection bins will be located at the Town Hall at 140 Worcester Street in Room 120.  Items can be donated between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m.  

We are collecting clothing, shoes, and other household textiles.  Items in any condition can be accepted, provided they are clean, dry, and odorless.  That one sock that has no match- donate it, it will be recycled!  The old pillow case with a tear- donate that too!  Click here for a link to the types of items that can be recycled.