Town Meeting is Tomorrow

Good Afternoon all,

Sending you a reminder that the second Semi-Annual Town Meeting of 2021 is scheduled for tomorrow, Saturday, October 16, 2021 at 10:00 AM outside on the baseball field at the Middle/High School, 125 Crescent Street. I am pleased that the forecast for tomorrow morning looks good so we can move forward with our town meeting. If you haven’t viewed a copy of the warrant on our town website, I wanted to call to your attention to the below article.


To see if the Town will vote to transfer a sum of money, not to exceed the fund balance of the Tax Levy Stabilization Fund, to reduce or stabilize the Fiscal Year 2022 Tax Rate, or take any other action relative thereto.

*MOTION:  I move the Town vote to transfer the sum of $153,171 from the Tax Levy Stabilization Fund to reduce or stabilize the Fiscal Year 22 Tax Rate.

EXPLANATION OF ARTICLE:     An example of the impact on the estimate of the FY22 rate should translate into roughly a 13 cent reduction in the rate itself. Current 2021 average single family value of $338,800 and current tax rate of $18.46/$1,000 =  $6,254.25 total year taxes. A 13 cent reduction would be $18.33/$1,000 tax rate -=$6,210.20 total year taxes, a net reduction annually of $44.00.

One of the Selectboard’s goals was to continue to work on implementing policies to control spending and reduce taxes.  The above article is an example of their efforts to achieve that goal.  If approved by the voters, we will be taking the 3% local excise tax generated by sale of marijuana products to reduce the FY22 tax rate.

I look foward to seeing  you, and I am hoping everyone comes out to support this article for the benefit of the taxpayers of the Town of West Boylston. 

Nancy Lucier, Town Administrator