Town Celebration Committee Looking for Members

Town Celebration Committee

We are looking for volunteers to join our Celebrations Committee.  The Committee was  expanded in 2018 and two members were added to work on planning and implementing other events.

If you are interested in being appointed to our Celebrations Committee, or would prefer volunteering to work on a one-time assignment, I would love to hear from you. 

The Committee would like to bring back the Town Pole Banner Program so they could have a source of funds for town events. You may recall seeing those banners in the past. Businesses and residents paid an annual fee to have their names on one of the banners.   That program was established by a great group of hard working volunteers and has now disbanded.

We have 50 pole banner brackets, and 150 poles from the railroad tracks on Route 140 to Oakdale  Rehab Center.  The Committee will be selecting new designs for our new banners which will be on display for 2020.  If you are interested, please send me an email at

I look forward to hearing from residents who want to pitch in and get involved with planning more town celebrations.

Best regards,

Nancy Lucier, Town Administrator