Be sure to vote on June 6th!

A message from the Town Administrator

Thank you to everyone who attended Town Meeting on May 15th. I understand that it can be hard to take time out of our busy lives to be involved in that important piece of town governance. But now I urge you to take one more step by participating in our local election coming up on June 6th, from Noon to 8:00pm, at Our Lady of Good Counsel Church, 111 Worcester Street. 

We have several contests in our elected positions this year, which makes your vote all the more important. Additionally, the ballot includes the debt exclusion question (that relates to the town meeting approved warrant Article 4) for funding of Phase 2 of the Senior Center project.  The successful passage of that debt exclusion still requires a passing vote at the ballot.   

Information about the proposed Senior Center Phase 2 debt exclusion, and the project in general, can be found in the FAQ sheet and the PowerPoint Presentation at: .

Thank you for your participation!