08/07/2017 Conservation Commission: Determination of Applicability of Wetlands Protection Reguations at Angell Brook Village

A public hearing will be held in accordance with the General Laws, Chapter 131, Section 40, the Wetlands Protection Act, on the application of Angell Brook Village Condominium Trust Board of Trustees, Request for Determination of Applicability, for the filling of a gully and removal of associated trees and noxious weeds on Shrewsbury Street, removal of noxious weeds and invasive species at the end of Emily Drive, and periodic removal of dead and infested trees behind Emily Drive, all part of Angell Brook Village, Shrewsbury Street and Emily Drive, West Boylston, MA.

The public hearing will be held Monday, August 7, 2017, at 7:45 p.m., at the West Boylston Town Offices, 140 Worcester St., West Boylston, MA.

William Chase, Chair
Toby Goldstein, Clerk