04/21/2016 Zoning Board of Appeals: Administrative Appeal 241/251 Laurel Street


The Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a Continued Public Hearing at THE WESTBOYLSTON HIGH SCHOOL, 125 CRESCENT STREET, WEST BOYLSTON, MA, onThursday, April 21, 2016, at 7:45 p.m., to act on the petition of George Bilotta, Loree Griffin Burns, Jessica Frenger, Patrick McGreal, Timothy C. O’Brien, Mary Ellen Davis, Rich Wall and John Sullivan, individually and on behalf of Concerned Citizens of West Boylston, for Administrative Appeal of the decision of the Interim Building Commissioner/Zoning Enforcement Officer to deny the request for an Order concerning the property at 241 and 251 Laurel Street, West Boylston, MA, to stop a gun firing range on this property.   Record title of this property stands in the name of Almstrom Realty Trust, Wayne Almstrom, Trustee, 241 Laurel Street, West Boylston, MA.  Copies of the petition are on file in the office of the Town Clerk, 140 Worcester Street.  All interested parties are invited to attend the hearing.

Kristina Pedone, Chair
Toby S. Goldstein, Secretary