Facilities Implementation & Strategic Planning Minutes

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, April 11, 2018

FISP Committee                                                    
Meeting Date and Time: April 11, 2018 – 7:00 p.m.
Meeting Location:  Town Offices, 140 Worcester Street, Room 210

Members Present:  John Hadley - Chair, Chris Rucho - Vice Chair, Bob Chisholm, , Phil Mallet, Clerk,  , Barur Rajeshkumar and Siobhan Bohnson

Members Not Present: Pat Crowley, Kate Ivers, Ray Bricault

Also Present:  Anita Scheipers – Town Administrator, Tony DiLuzio – OPM 

Call to Order: Mr. Rucho called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 

1. Minutes:   
a. Jan. 24/2018 – Bob Chisholm moved and Chris Rucho seconded to approve the minutes of Jan 24th with edits.  Note – All yes. Motion passed. 
b. Feb. 14, 2018 – Bob Chisholm moved and Raj Rajeshkumar seconded to approve the minutes of Feb. 14th.  Vote – All yes. Motion passed.
c. March 6, 2018 -  Raj Rajeshkumar moved and Bob Chisholm seconded to approve the minutes of March 6th. Vote – All yes.  Motion passed.
d. March 14, 2018  - Siobhan Bohnson moved and Bob Chisholm seconded to approve the minutes of March 14th. Vote – All yes. Motion passed. 

2. Police Station:   
a. HVAC -  It was agreed to hold the discussion on the HVAC issues  until the next meeting. 
b. Site Plan Review/Fence:  The plan indicating the fence location at the impound area has been
given to the Planning Board. The fence is to be 8 ‘ high. 
c. Elevator:  The elevator is still having issues with the electronics. This is the 3rd mother board
that has had to be replaced.  It will be under warranty for 1 yr following any replacements. 
d. Flag Pole:   The lanyard has been adjusted and the flag now tops out at 6 inches below the top
of the opening – which fits manufacturing specifications.  Bob Chisholm noted that he still is not  
happy with the result.
e. Other:  It was discussed that there should be an entrance sign by the road to make the
driveway into the site more visible to motorists.  Anita Scheipers stated Chief Minnich had been
asked to look into this with the Building Inspector.   It was asked if this could be lit with solar
lighting.  Tony DiLuzio offered to help look into this sign.  

3. Senior Center:   

OPM Report:    Tony DiLuzio introduced Phil Polumbo as his assistant on the project.  Tony DiLuzio
provided the following updates:  The Architect is reviewing submittals for materials from RAC
Builders.  Two Change Orders have been proposed through the Planning Board site plan
review process.  These include bollards, anti-seep collars and additional trees.    Pricing is
being developed for these items.  It was suggested that the neighbors be contacted to discuss
any site or buffer issues.  It was questioned if the Planning Board had the authority to require
anti-seep collars.  

Architect Report:  It was asked that the architect attend the next regular meeting. 
Budget:  Currently the contingency fund is at $436,000.  This is 10% of the contract cost and quite

4. Invoices:  
a) CBA Inv # 5717 for $17,850.00 AND Inv # 5718 for $248.78  Chris Rucho moved and John Hadley
seconded to recommend payment. Vote:  All yes. Motion passed.
b) Project Dog  Inv # 13506 for $862.40 and Inv # 13534  for $196.18  Bob Chisholm moved and Chris
Rucho seconded to recommend payment.  Vote: All yes. Motion passed. 
c) T&G  Inv # 10008660 for $38.22.  Chris Rucho moved and Bob Chisholm seconded to recommend
payment. Vote: All yes. Motion passed. 

5. Other:  
a) Bob Chisholm stated that the new pool tables for the building are to be donated by the Manor Restaurant.   
b) It was asked whether it was feasible for the Parks Commission could use the ball field   this spring.  Tony
DiLuzio stated it would cost the Town to move the fence several times, and  it was preferred that the field be
allowed to rest/grow after seeding, so no use this year was preferred.   The committee agreed. 
c) Bob Chisholm moved and Siobhan Bohnson seconded to that Chris Rucho and John Hadley were authorized
to be approve items up to $10,000 in cost outside of committee vote.  Vote – All yes.  Motion passed.  
d) Chris Rucho moved and Siobhan Bohnson seconded to not move ahead with an exterior restroom.  Vote –
All yes. Motion passed.  
e) It was also the consensus of the members to not move ahead with an emergency generator for shelter use.    
f) An invoice from WB Mason was questioned and not approved for payment. 
g) It was discussed that a reduction of FISP members to only 9 (from 11) was preferred as it would be easier to
achieve a quorum.  It was agreed to ask the Selectboard to discuss this at an upcoming meeting. 

Next Meeting:  The next regular meeting is to be held on May 9th at 7:00pm. 

Motion to Adjourn:  Chris Rucho moved and Bob Chisholm seconded to adjourn the meeting. Vote:  All yes. 

Meeting adjourned at 8:05PM.
Respectfully submitted: Anita M. Scheipers, Town Administrator
Minutes approved on:  May 9, 2018