Facilities Implementation & Strategic Planning Minutes

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, June 12, 2018

FISP Committee                                                    
Meeting Date and Time:  June 12, 2018 – 7:00 p.m.
Meeting Location:  Town Offices, 140 Worcester Street, Room 210

Members Present:  John Hadley - Chair, Chris Rucho - Vice Chair, Bob Chisholm,  Phil Mallet, Clerk,  Barur Rajeshkumar, Siobhan Bohnson, Ray Bricault and Pat Crowley. 

Members Not Present: Kate Ivers

Also Present:  Anita Scheipers – Town Administrator, Tony DiLuzio – OPM, John MacMillan – Architect  

Call to Order: Mr. Rucho called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 

1. Minutes: Chris Rucho moved and Bob Chisholm seconded to approve the minutes of May 9, 2018. 
Vote: All yes.  Motion passed. 

2. School Committee:  Superintendent Elizabeth Schaper and School Committee member Rick Shaw
were present to seek guidance about how the school committee should proceed with consideration on
any future building projects.  They explained that in their five-year plan they will be looking at facilities
for any necessary improvements or replacement of the existing school buildings.  They reviewed the
current issues with the elementary school building, and stated next year they will be hiring a consultant
to conduct a facilities needs study which will look at student population projections,  demographic
changes,   facilities integrity, and educational curriculum as a basis to identify potential  facilities projects
which may be needed.  After much discussion about the MSBA funding process, and any potential
funding they may contribute to the project, it was agreed that the best process is to have the School
Committee receive and review the resulting report, and come back to the FISP Committee to discuss
possible project concepts and next steps 

3. Senior Center:   
a. OPM Report:    Tony DiLuzio stated the interior color scheme will be decided at the June 21st site meeting.  He confirmed that any suspicious soils are being stockpiled on site under plastic for testing. Test results should be completed by Monday. Anything that can remain on site will be used for fill under the parking lot. Contaminated soils will be taken to an approved disposal site. He stated that presently the project is three weeks behind schedule but the project is still expected to be substantially completed in January 2019.  The project is still under budget by $342,200.  

b. Architect Report:  John MacMillan stated that 160 submittals of proposed materials have been processed and 17 Requests for Information (RFIs) - of which all but one have been answered. Proposed change orders (PCOs) for the soils and ledge are being reviewed.   A $5000 credit will likely be issued with the reduced cost of the fire pump house in the slightly revised location. 
Member Ray Bricault arrived at this time of 7:35pm. 
The architect explained there was an issue with the arrangement of the billiards table.   COA Director Lisa Viklund had requested the layout to be revised.  The exact nature of the reason for the request was unknown. It was agreed this should be discussed at the July meeting when the COA Director could be present to discuss the request.  
Member Pat Crowley arrived at 7:40pm. c.    Tony DiLuzio explained the utility and drainage work is ongoing. The gas line will be coming from Prescott Street. Electrical conduits are coming in off the pole to the building.  Charter is scheduled to look at the site to evaluate if it is necessary to install a signal booster.  

4. Police Station:   
a. Valley Communication:   The committee reviewed the additional proposal from Valley Communications for $1666.00 to modify network access form the training room to improve cyber security.   Chris Rucho stated it should be funded under the project budget. John Hadley stated the Chief of Police stated this is the last AV item that is needed.  Chris Rucho moved and Siobhan Bohnson seconded to approve the work to be done.  Vote:  All yes.  Motion passed. 
b. Closeout items:  the berm still needs to be repaired. RAC Builders says the site contractor looked at it but no cost estimate or agreement to complete the work has yet been received. The grass has been re-seeded as needed.  The fence sections are installed. No abutter complaints have been received. The elevator issues appear to be resolved.  John Hadley asked if a letter could be sent to the elevator company to confirm they will extend the warranty of the elevator due to the multiple repairs needed.  Tony DiLuzio agreed to email the company to ask.  The thermostats issue has resulted in reprogramming of the system in the hopes that this will resolve the issue. He will advise of the outcome. 

5. Invoices:  
a. CBA - Inv. 5789 (Police Station) at $2,593.79 (related to site work issues).  Pat Crowley moved and Chris Rucho seconded to recommend payment. Vote:  All yes. Motion approved. 

b. RAC Builders - Inv. 12 (Police Station) at $25,000.00.  Chris Rucho moved and Siobhan Bohnson seconded to recommend payment. Vote: All yes. Motion passed.  

c. RAC Builders - Inv. 2 (Sr Center) at $152,181.00.  Chris Rucho moved and Siobhan Bohnson seconded to recommend payment. Vote: All yes. Motion passed.  

d. Colliers International - Inv. 21466 at the revised amount of $18,769.87.  Chris Rucho moved and Siobhan Bohnson seconded to recommend payment. Vote: All yes. Motion passed.  
e. Project Dog - Inv. 13206 at $1,680.00. Bob Chishom moved and Chris Rucho seconded to recommend payment. Vote: All yes. Motion passed.  
f. Terracon - Inv. TA56074 at $6,847.56. Raj Rajeshkumar moved and Chris Rucho seconded to recommend payment. Vote: All yes. Motion passed.  
g. Trees Unlimited – Inv. Date 5/19/2018 at $1,225.00. Chris Rucho moved and Raj Rajeshkumar seconded to recommend payment. Vote: All yes. Motion passed.  
h. Yankee Engineering and Testing Inc. – Inv. 24928 at $1,313.00.  Chris Rucho moved and Raj Rajeshkumar seconded to recommend payment. Vote: All yes. Motion passed. 
i. Patriot Fence Co. – Inv. 1877 at $8,580.00.  Siobhan Bohnson moved and Bob Chisholm seconded to recommend payment.  Vote: All yes. Motion passed. 
Tony DiLuzio should have an estimate of the costs associated with the suspicious soils for the next meeting, and the committee can determine then if they wish to recommend to the Selectmen that the Town seek reimbursement of costs from the demolition contractor.  
6. Other: Phil Mallet stated he is now a member of the Friends of the COA, and efforts are gearing up with fundraising.  Some of the efforts include applying to foundations, establishing a planned giving program, planning of an auction/gala at the time of the opening of the senior center. None of the money raised will be used to make payments on the loan, but could be used to help pay for equipment for the center and thus reduce the overall project cost. 
John MacMillan stated he had been asked to look at some stained glass windows owned by the Masonic Lodge which they are willing to sell to the Town for decoration of the center. It has been said the windows came from the old stone church.  Ray Bricault offered to reach out to the lodge to get more details. 

7.  Next Meeting:  Raj Rajeshkumar asked if the meetings could be moved to Tuesdays instead of Wednesday as he has a conflict with Planning Board meetings.   No vote was taken to change the date of the meetings. The next regular meeting is to be held on Wednesday, July 11, 2018 at 7:00pm. 

8.  Motion to Adjourn:  Chris Rucho moved and Pat Crowley seconded to adjourn the meeting. Vote:  All yes.  Meeting adjourned at 8:30PM.

Respectfully submitted: Anita M. Scheipers, Town Administrator. Minutes approved on:  July 11, 2018